The Friends of the Devonshire Collection of Period Costume

The Devonshire Collection of Period Costume is a registered charity, run as an entirely voluntary organisation, whose aims are to collect and preserve examples of dress of all periods and in various ways to advance a wider knowledge and appreciation of the subject.

The Friends of the Devonshire Collection is a support organisation set up to assist in a positive way in the continuing development of the collection and the museum. There is a minimum subscription of £10 per annum (£12.50 for two people at the same address) but we are very grateful to many Friends who pay a little more or make a donation towards the Collection’s funds. The subscription entitles you to an invitation to the private view of the summer exhibition, a New Year party, and also free entrance to the exhibition throughout the season. In addition, Friends are invited to a series of expert talks through the winter, for which we ask a modest additional contribution towards costs. Membership of the Friends of the Collection lasts for a calendar year, but if you join after the end of September, your membership will include the whole of the following year.

If you are a UK tax payer, we encourage you to Gift Aid your subscription and any donation, which allows us to reclaim an extra 25p for every £1 you give us.

You can become a Friend of the Collection by applying online or by post (see below).

Online application

Please complete the online application form below and pay your subscription to the following bank account:

Bank: Barclays
Account: Friends of the Devonshire Collection of Period Costume
Sort code: 20–60–88
Account number: 90326925

Please include your name as reference on the transaction.

If you are already a Friend of the Collection, you can renew your membership by clicking the button below.


Application by post

Please click the Application Form button below to display a one-page form suitable for printing. Print out a copy of that form, fill it in and send it with a cheque for your subscription to the Friends Coordinator at the address shown at the top of the form.

Please note that any information you give us is covered by our Privacy Policy. It will be stored securely and not shared with third parties outside the Collection.