About Us
The Totnes Fashion & Textiles Museum houses the Devonshire Collection of Period Costume. The Collection was founded in 1967, and a new themed exhibition has been mounted nearly every year since 1974.
The Collection is a registered Charity (no. 277327) and is accredited as a museum by the Arts Council (no. 1008).
The objects of the Collection are
to advance the education of the public by collecting, preserving, restoring and exhibiting period costumes and accessories and to maintain premises for the storing and exhibition of the Collection.
to provide education for persons wishing to learn about the costumes of earlier periods.
The Collection is staffed entirely by unremunerated volunteers, including the Curator, Julia Fox, who has a Masters Degree in Costume and Textiles. It is supported by the Friends of the Collection.
As well as mounting the annual exhibition, it organises talks, loans items to other accredited museums, and facilitates research on the Collection. It is recognised as a research facility for Plymouth College of Art, as well as by professional organisations and other museums in the field.
Order a copy of the copiously illustrated book of the Museum here.
The governance of the Collection is in the hands of a Board of Trustees. The present trustees are:
Roger Tilbury (Chairman)
Lionel Harper (Treasurer)
Elizabeth Ellis
Pruw Boswell Harper
Justine Holmes
Paul Gibbins
Kate Strasdin
For more information please contact the Curator, email: info@totnesfashionandtextilesmuseum.org.uk.
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